
Throughout the years I have pursued three main interests: ICT, religion and philosophy, and languages.

I have published a few things through the years. Some I probably would not write anymore, or not in the same way. But since their references or content circulate here and there, might as well give their full references.

Because of work and time constraints and because I am not convinced that writing for publication is always worth the time and effort, I have not tried to have much published recently. I still do research in the fields of languages and of religion, though, mostly political theology and philosophy and theories and philosophies of education.


Mal, souffrance et justice de Dieu selon Romains 1–3: Étude exégétique et théologique. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 155. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2007. A revised version of my Ph.D.

Cours de grec du Nouveau Testament. 2nd ed. Cléon d’Andran: Excelsis, 2018, 2007, 2004

Articles and Other Writings

“Antioch as a Church Planting Community: Revisiting Barnabas and Paul’s Departure in Acts 13:1–4,” Neotestamentica, 56.2 (2022): 317–336.

“Romans 12,17–13,7 and the Justice of God: Two Neglected Features of Paul’s Argument”, Ephemerides Theologicæ Lovanienses, 89 (4) (2013): 361–382

“Parole en marche : La Parole de Dieu hors des murs de l’Église,” Revue Réformée, lxiii/2–3 (2012): 71–82

“L’évangélisation dans le discours et la pratique des évangéliques francophones : une mise en perspective,” Perspectives Missionnaires 62, (2011/2): 42–48

“Romans 1.20: Knowing God Through His Acts in History” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 100/1 (2009): 45–58

“Evil, Suffering, and the Righteousness of God According to Romans 1–3: An Exegetical and Theological Study.” Tyndale Bulletin 59 (2008): 153–155 (Dissertation Summary)

“Romans 1.11–12: A Clue to the Purpose of Romans?” Ephemerides Theologicæ Lovanienses 83/4 (2007): 395–406

“Le Da Vinci Code : L’Evangile selon Dan Brown,” Théologie Évangélique 3 (2004): 271-280

“Parler d’Évangile en Europe : entre discours et réalité,” Hokhma 84 (2003): 2–23

Introduction to and notes on the Epistle to the Romans, “Bible d’étude du Semeur,” Cléon d’Andran: Excelsis, 2001

Member of the translation and revision committee of the “Bible du Semeur,” Cléon d’Andran: Excelsis, 2000

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Papers presented

For different reasons, I stopped presenting papers a while ago. These are some the academic level papers I presented.

“The great commission in history and today or why the great commission is not the duty of all believers,” Tyndale Fellowship, Cambridge, July 2011.

“A Theology of Hope: A Proposal for Reading Romans,” Facharbeitsgruppe Neues Testament (FAGNT), Marbourg, March 2007

“Romans 13, Political Theology, and the Use of the Old Testament in Romans,” ETS, Washington D.C., Nov. 2006 (P.s. I left the ETS a shortwhile after.)

“Habakkuk and Social Issues in Romans,” Tyndale Fellowship, Nantwich (UK), July 2006

“Life, Death, and Christology in Romans,” ETS, Atlanta, Nov. 2003